An open ended Fund of Fund scheme investing in units of Kotak Silver ETF
An open ended Fund of Fund scheme investing in units of Kotak Silver ETF


Investment Objective
The investment objective of the scheme is to generate returns by investing in units of Kotak Silver ETF. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.
The investment objective of the scheme is to generate returns by investing in units of Kotak Silver ETF. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.
Issuer/Instrument Rating % to Net

Mutual Fund Units
Kotak Mutual Fund - Kotak Silver ETF ETF Units 99.07
Mutual Fund Units - Total 99.07
Triparty Repo 1.07
Net Current Assets/(Liabilities) -0.14
Grand Total 100.00

Net Asset Value (NAV)
Growth Rs11.6749Rs11.7690
(as on December 31, 2024)

Available Plans/Options

A) Regular B) Direct Plan
Options: Growth

Fund Manager* Mr. Jeetu Valechha Sonar & Mr. Abhishek Bisen
BenchmarkPrice of silver (based on LBMA daily spot fixing price)
Allotment dateMarch 31, 2023
AAUMRs56.31 crs
AUMRs56.19 crs
Folio count3,248

IDCW Frequency

Not Applicable since IDCW is not applicable

Portfolio Turnover: 46.65%

Minimum Investment Amount

Initial & Additional Investment
Rs100 and any amount thereafter
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Rs 100 and any amount thereafter

Ideal Investments Horizon

• 3 year & above

Load Structure

Entry Load: Nil. (applicable for all plans)
Exit Load:
a) For redemption/switch- out of units on or before 30 days from the date of allotment: 0.5% of applicable NAV.
b) For redemption/switch- out of units after 30 days from the date of allotment: NIL

Total Expense Ratio**
Regular Plan: 0.60%
Direct Plan: 0.14%

Data as on 31st December, 2024 unless otherwise specified.
Folio Count data as on 30th November 2024.


Benchmark : Price of silver (based on LBMA daily spot fixing price)

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long-term capital appreciation
  • An open-ended Fund of Funds scheme with the primary objective of generating returns by investing in units of Kotak Silver ETF.

* Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

The above risk-o—meter is based on the scheme portfolio as on 30th November, 2024. An addendum may be issued or updated on the website for new riskometer.

* For Fund Manager experience, please refer 'For Regular Plan' & 'For Direct Plan'
**Total Expense Ratio includes applicable B30 fee and GST
For scheme performance, please refer 'For Regular Plan' & 'For Direct Plan'