An open ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of SMAM ASIA REIT Sub Trust fund and/or other similar overseas REIT funds.
An open ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of SMAM ASIA REIT Sub Trust fund and/or other similar overseas REIT funds.


Investment Objective
The investment objective of the scheme is to provide long-term capital appreciation and income by investing in units of SMAM ASIA REIT Sub Trust fund and/or other similar overseas REIT funds. However, there is no assurance that the objective of the scheme will be achieved.
The investment objective of the scheme is to provide long-term capital appreciation and income by investing in units of SMAM ASIA REIT Sub Trust fund and/or other similar overseas REIT funds. However, there is no assurance that the objective of the scheme will be achieved.
Issuer/Instrument Rating % to Net

Mutual Fund Units
SMAM ASIA REIT Sub Trust Overseas Mutual Fund 96.28
Mutual Fund Units - Total 96.28
Triparty Repo 4.02
Net Current Assets/(Liabilities) -0.30
Grand Total 100.00

Net Asset Value (NAV)
Growth Rs9.3737Rs9.7225
IDCW Rs9.3739Rs9.7224
(as on December 31, 2024)

Available Plans/Options

A) Regular Plan B) Direct Plan
Options: Payout of IDCW, Reinvestment of IDCW & Growth (applicable for all plans)

IDCW Frequency

Trustee’s Discretion

Fund Manager*Mr. Arjun Khanna
BenchmarkS&P Asia Pacific ex Japan REIT TRI
Allotment dateDecember 29, 2020
AAUMRs52.23 crs
AUMRs52.28 crs
Folio count5,664

Portfolio Turnover :4.58%

Minimum Investment Amount

Initial & Additional Investment
Rs100 and any amount thereafter
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Rs 100 and any amount thereafter

Ideal Investments Horizon

• 5 years & above

Load Structure

Entry Load: Nil. (applicable for all plans)
Exit Load:
8% of the units allotted shall be redeemed without any Exit Load on or before completion of 1 Year from the date of allotment of units. Any redemption in excess of such limit within 1 Year from the date of allotment shall be subject to the following Exit Load:
a) If redeemed or switched out on or before completion of 1 Year from the date of allotment of units- 1.00%.
b) If redeemed or switched out after completion of 1 Year from the date of allotment of units-NIL

Total Expense Ratio**
Regular Plan: 1.39%
Direct Plan: 0.53%

Data as on 31st December, 2024 unless otherwise specified.
Folio Count data as on 30th November 2024.


Benchmark : S&P Asia Pacific ex Japan REIT TRI

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Long term capital growth
  • Long term capital appreciation and income by investing in units of SMAM ASIA REIT Sub Trust Fund and/or other similar overseas REIT funds.

* Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

The above risk-o—meter is based on the scheme portfolio as on 30th November, 2024. An addendum may be issued or updated on the website for new riskometer.

**Total Expense Ratio includes applicable B30 fee and GST.
* For Fund Manager experience, please refer 'For Regular Plan' & 'For Direct Plan'
For scheme performance, please refer 'For Regular Plan' & 'For Direct Plan'