An open ended debt scheme investing in government securities across maturity.
A relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk.
An open ended debt scheme investing in government securities across maturity.
A relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk.


Investment Objective
The objective of the Plan is to generate risk-free returns through investments in sovereign securities issued by the Central Government and/or State Government(s) and/or any security unconditionally guaranteed by the Government of India, and/or reverse repos in such securities as and when permitted by RBI. A portion of the fund may be invested in Reverse repo, CBLO and/or other similar instruments as may be notified to meet the day-to-day liquidity requirements of the Plan. To ensure total safety of Unit holders' funds, the Plan does not invest in any other securities such as shares, debentures or bonds issued by any other entity. The Fund will seek to underwrite issuance of Government Securities if and to the extent permitted by SEBI/RBI and subject to the prevailing rules and regulations specified in this respect and may also participate in their auction from time to time. Subject to the maximum amount permitted from time to time, the Plan may invest in securities abroad, in the manner allowed by SEBI/RBI in conformity with the guidelines, rules and regulations in this respect. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Plan will be achieved. It is however emphasized, that investments under the Plan are made in Government Securities, where there is no risk of default of payment in principal or interest amount
The objective of the Plan is to generate risk-free returns through investments in sovereign securities issued by the Central Government and/or State Government(s) and/or any security unconditionally guaranteed by the Government of India, and/or reverse repos in such securities as and when permitted by RBI. A portion of the fund may be invested in Reverse repo, CBLO and/or other similar instruments as may be notified to meet the day-to-day liquidity requirements of the Plan. To ensure total safety of Unit holders' funds, the Plan does not invest in any other securities such as shares, debentures or bonds issued by any other entity. The Fund will seek to underwrite issuance of Government Securities if and to the extent permitted by SEBI/RBI and subject to the prevailing rules and regulations specified in this respect and may also participate in their auction from time to time. Subject to the maximum amount permitted from time to time, the Plan may invest in securities abroad, in the manner allowed by SEBI/RBI in conformity with the guidelines, rules and regulations in this respect. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Plan will be achieved. It is however emphasized, that investments under the Plan are made in Government Securities, where there is no risk of default of payment in principal or interest amount
Issuer/Instrument Industry/
% to Net

5.53% Central Government(^) SOV 46.88
7.10% Central Government SOV 13.64
6.10% Central Government SOV 8.76
4.81% Central Government SOV 4.47
4.93% Central Government SOV 4.34
GS CG 22 Feb 2028 - (STRIPS) SOV 2.32
GS CG 22 Aug 2029 - (STRIPS) SOV 2.25
GS CG 22 Feb 2029 - (STRIPS) SOV 2.15
GS CG 22 Aug 2028 - (STRIPS) SOV 1.47
GS CG 22 Aug 2027 - (STRIPS) SOV 1.37
7.80% Jharkhand State Govt-Jharkhand SOV 0.91
7.95% Central Government SOV 0.71
GS CG 17 Jun 2027 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.42
GS CG 17/12/2027 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.40
GS CG 17/06/2028 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.39
GS CG 17/12/2028 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.37
GS CG 17/06/2029 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.36
GS CG 22 Feb 2030 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.28
GS CG 22 Aug 2030 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.27
8.43% Tamil Nadu State Govt-Tamil Nadu SOV 0.22
GS CG 22 Aug 2022 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.20
GS CG 22/02/2026 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.16
GS CG 22 Aug 2026 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.15
GS CG 23/12/2025 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.14
6.57% Andhra Pradesh State Govt-Andhra Pradesh SOV 0.14
GS CG 22 Feb 2036 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.12
GS CG 22 Aug 2036 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.11
GS CG 22 Feb 2032 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.10
GS CG 22 Aug 2032 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.10
GS CG 22 Aug 2031 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.10
6.68% Haryana State Govt-Haryana SOV 0.09
6.78% Karnataka State Govt-Karnataka SOV 0.05
GS CG 22 Feb 2044 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.04
GS CG 22 Feb 2043 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.04
GS CG 22 Aug 2043 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.04
Government Dated Securities - Total 93.56
Triparty Repo 5.29
Net Current Assets/(Liabilities) 1.15
Grand Total 100.00

Regular-Growth Rs77.3587
Regular-Growth-Direct Rs85.0198
Quarterly-Reg-Plan-IDCW Rs15.1160
Quarterly-Dir-Plan-IDCW Rs19.2012
PF & Trust-Growth Rs79.1427
PF & Trust-Growth Direct Rs87.0624
PF & Trust-Quarterly-Reg-Plan-IDCW Rs11.6207

Available Plans/Options

A) Regular Non Direct Plan,
B) PF & Trust Non Direct Plan,
C) Regular Direct Plan,
D) PF & Trust Direct Plan.
Options: Payout of IDCW, Reinvestment of IDCW & Growth (applicable for all plans)

Fund Manager Mr. Abhishek Bisen & Mr. Vihag Mishra*
(Dedicated fund manager for investments in foreign securities)
BenchmarkNifty All Duration G-Sec Index
Allotment dateRegular Plan - December 29, 1998;
PF & Trust Plan - November 11, 2003
AAUMRs1,660.20 crs
AUMRs1,669.65 crs
Folio count5,091

IDCW Frequency

Quarterly (20th of Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec)

Portfolio Average Maturity 8.73 yrs
IRS Average Maturity* 0.17 yrs
Net Average Maturity 8.91 yrs
Portfolio Modified Duration 2.39 yrs
IRS Modified Duration* 0.16 yrs
Net Modified Duration 2.55 yrs
Portfolio Macaulay Duration 2.47 yrs
IRS Macaulay Duration* 0.17 yrs
Net Macaulay Duration 2.64 yrs
YTM 6.87%
$Standard Deviation
(A) Reg. Plan (B) PF Trust Plan
*Interest Rate Swap
Source: $ICRAMFI Explorer. Standard Deviation is calculated on Annualised basis using 3 years history of monthly returns.

Minimum Investment Amount

Initial Investment: Rs5000 and in multiple of Rs1 for purchase and for Rs0.01 for switches
Additional Investment: Rs1000 & in multiples of Rs1
Ideal Investments Horizon: 2-3 years

Load Structure

Entry Load: (a) Regular Plan - Entry: Nil. (b) PF & Trust Plan - Entry: Nil. (applicable for all plans)
Exit Load: (a) Regular Plan - Exit: Nil. (b) PF&Trust Plan - Exit: Nil. (applicable for all plans)

Total Expense Ratio**

Regular: 1.45%; Direct: 0.39%

Data as on May 31, 2022



This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Income over a long investment horizon
  • Investment in sovereign securities issued by the Central and/or State Government(s) and/or reverse repos in such securities

* Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

(^) Fully or Party blocked against Interest Rate Swap (IRS) Hedging Position through Interest Rate Swaps as on 31 May 2022 is 9.00% of the net assets.
**Total Expense Ratio includes applicable B30 fee and GST
* For Fund Manager experience, please refer 'Our Fund Managers'
For last three IDCW, please refer 'Dividend History'.
For scheme performance, please refer 'Scheme Performances'