An open ended debt scheme investing in overnight securities
A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk
An open ended debt scheme investing in overnight securities
A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk


Investment Objective
The primary objective of the Scheme is to generate income through investment in debt & money market instruments having maturity of one business day (including CBLO (Tri-Party Repo), Reverse Repo and equivalent). However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.
The primary objective of the Scheme is to generate income through investment in debt & money market instruments having maturity of one business day (including CBLO (Tri-Party Repo), Reverse Repo and equivalent). However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.
Issuer/Instrument Industry/
% to Net

Government Dated Securities
8.15% Central Government SOV 0.78
Government Dated Securities - Total 0.78
Treasury Bills
364 Days Treasury Bill 16/06/2022 SOV 0.58
Treasury Bills - Total 0.58
Triparty Repo 98.67
Net Current Assets/(Liabilities) -0.03
Grand Total 100.00

Growth Option Rs1,137.8007
Direct Growth Option Rs1,141.0073
Daily-Reg-Plan-IDCW Rs1,004.7568
Daily-Dir-Plan-IDCW Rs1,003.6055

Available Plans/Options

A)Regular Plan B)Direct Plan

Fund Manager Mr. Deepak Agrawal & Mr. Vihag Mishra*
( Dedicated fundmanager for investments in foreign securities)
BenchmarkNIFTY 1D Rate index
Allotment dateJanuary 15, 2019
AAUMRs12,495.13 crs
AUMRs12,844.63 crs
Folio count4,373

IDCW Frequency


Portfolio Average Maturity-
IRS Average Maturity*-
Net Average Maturity-
Portfolio Modified Duration-
IRS Modified Duration*-
Net Modified Duration-
Portfolio Macaulay Duration-
IRS Macaulay Duration*-
Net Macaulay Duration-
$Standard Deviation0.10%

*Interest Rate Swap
Minimum Investment Amount

Initial Investment: Rs5000 and in multiple of Rs1 for purchase and for Rs0.01 for switches
Additional Investment: Rs1000 & in multiples of Rs1 for purchase and for Rs0.01 for switches
Ideal Investment Horizon: 1 days

Load Structure

Entry Load: Nil. (applicable for all plans)
Exit Load: Nil. (applicable for all plans)

Total Expense Ratio**

Regular: 0.20%; Direct:0.08%

Data as on May 31, 2022



This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Income over a short term investment horizon
  • Investment in debt & money market securities having maturity of one business day.

* Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

**Total Expense Ratio includes applicable B30 fee and GST
* For Fund Manager experience, please refer 'Our Fund Managers'
For scheme performance, please refer 'Scheme Performances'