An open ended medium term debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration of the portfolio is between 4 years and 7 years.
A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.
An open ended medium term debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration of the portfolio is between 4 years and 7 years.
A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.


Investment Objective
The investment objective of the Scheme is to create a portfolio of debt instruments such as bonds, debentures, Government Securities and money market instruments, including repos in permitted securities of different maturities, so as to spread the risk across different kinds of issuers in the debt markets. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved.
The investment objective of the Scheme is to create a portfolio of debt instruments such as bonds, debentures, Government Securities and money market instruments, including repos in permitted securities of different maturities, so as to spread the risk across different kinds of issuers in the debt markets. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved.
Issuer/Instrument Industry/
% to Net

Debt Instruments
Debentures and Bonds
Government Dated Securities
7.10% Central Government SOV 24.07
5.53% Central Government(^) SOV 22.69
4.93% Central Government SOV 10.34
6.10% Central Government SOV 7.48
6.54% Central Government SOV 6.31
GS CG 22 Feb 2028 - (STRIPS) SOV 2.42
GS CG 22 Feb 2029 - (STRIPS) SOV 2.25
4.81% Central Government SOV 2.23
GS CG 22 Aug 2029 - (STRIPS) SOV 2.17
6.99% Telangana State Govt-Telangana SOV 1.55
GS CG 22 Aug 2028 - (STRIPS) SOV 1.52
GS CG 22 Aug 2027 - (STRIPS) SOV 1.39
1.44% Central Government SOV 0.85
6.72% Kerala State Govt-Kerala SOV 0.62
GS CG 23/12/2025 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.40
GS CG 22/02/2026 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.35
6.48% Rajasthan State Govt-Rajasthan SOV 0.31
6.58% Gujarat State Govt-Gujarat SOV 0.14
7.78% West Bengal State Govt-West Bengal SOV 0.13
GS CG 22 Aug 2022 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.11
GS CG 22 Aug 2026 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.08
GS CG 22 Aug 2030 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.06
GS CG 22 Feb 2030 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.06
GS CG 22 Feb 2032 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.05
GS CG 22 Aug 2032 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.05
GS CG 22 Aug 2031 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.05
GS CG 22 Feb 2036 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.03
GS CG 22 Feb 2043 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.02
GS CG 22 Aug 2043 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.02
GS CG 22 Aug 2036 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.02
GS CG 22 Feb 2044 - (STRIPS) SOV 0.02
Government Dated Securities - Total 87.79
Public Sector Undertakings
Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 4.46
Public Sector Undertakings - Total 4.46
Triparty Repo 6.46
Net Current Assets/(Liabilities) 1.29
Grand Total 100.00

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) If you had invested Rs 10,000 every month
Monthly SIP of (₹) 10000 Since Inception 10 years 7 years 5 years 3 years 1 year
Total amount invested (Rs) 27,10,000 12,00,000 8,40,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000
Total Value as on May 31, 2022 (Rs) 69,49,983 16,68,808 10,30,586 6,86,979 3,78,857 1,19,085
Scheme Returns (%) 7.60 6.42 5.76 5.36 3.35 -1.42
Nifty Medium to Long Duration Debt Index B-III Returns (%) NA 7.60 7.01 6.88 6.18 0.21
Alpha NA -1.17 -1.25 -1.51 -2.83 -1.63
Nifty Medium to Long Duration Debt Index B-III (Rs)# NA 17,74,540 10,77,516 7,13,559 3,95,279 1,20,132
Nifty Medium to Long Duration Debt Index Returns (%) NA 7.30 6.60 6.14 4.04 -1.83
Alpha NA -0.88 -0.84 -0.78 -0.68 0.41
Nifty Medium to Long Duration Debt Index (Rs)# NA 17,47,078 10,62,083 7,00,523 3,82,791 1,18,822
CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index (Rs)^ NA 15,90,216 9,82,803 6,56,099 3,62,179 1,16,160
CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index Returns (%) NA 5.50 4.42 3.53 0.39 -5.91

Scheme Inception : - November 25,1999. The returns are calculated by XIRR approach assuming investment of ₹10,000/- on the 1st working day of every month. XIRR helps in calculating return on investments given an initial and final value and a series of cash inflows and outflows and taking the time of investment into consideration. Since inception returns are assumed to be starting from the beginning of the subsequent month from the date of inception. # Benchmark ; ^ Additional Benchmark.
Alpha is difference of scheme return with benchmark return.
Growth OptionRs61.7173
Direct Growth OptionRs67.0535

Fund Manager Mr. Abhishek Bisen & Mr. Vihag Mishra*
(Dedicated fund manager for investments in foreign securities)
Benchmark***NIFTY Medium to Long Duration Debt Index B-III (Tier 1) Nifty Medium to Long Duration Debt Index (Tier 2)
Allotment dateNovember 25, 1999
AAUMRs1,604.54 crs
AUMRs1,564.05 crs
Folio count5,124

Available Plans/Options

A) Regular Plan B) Direct Plan
Options: Payout of IDCW, Reinvestment of IDCW & Growth (applicable for all plans)

IDCW Frequency

At discretion of trustees

Portfolio Average Maturity 7.62 yrs
IRS Average Maturity* 0.19 yrs
Net Average Maturity 7.81 yrs
Portfolio Modified Duration 3.12 yrs
IRS Modified Duration* 0.17 yrs
Net Modified Duration 3.29 yrs
Portfolio Macaulay Duration 3.23 yrs
IRS Macaulay Duration* 0.18 yrs
Net Macaulay Duration 3.41 yrs
YTM 6.96%
$Standard Deviation 2.49%
*Interest Rate Swap
Source: $ICRAMFI Explorer. Standard Deviation is calculated on Annualised basis using 3 years history of monthly returns.

Minimum Investment Amount

Initial Investment: Rs5000 and in multiple of Rs1 for purchase and for Rs0.01 for switches
Additional Investment: Rs1000 & in multiples of Rs1
Ideal Investments Horizon: 2-3 years

Load Structure

Entry Load: Nil. (applicable for all plans)
Exit Load: Nil.(applicable for all plans)
Note: The aforesaid revised exit load structure will be applicable only on a prospective basis for Units purchased /SIP/STP registered on or after April 20, 2021.

Total Expense Ratio**

Regular: 1.79%; Direct: 0.58%

Data as on May 31, 2022




This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • Income over a long investment horizon
  • Investment in debt & money market securities with a portfolio Macaulay duration between 4 years & 7 years.

* Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

(^) Fully or Party blocked against Interest Rate Swap (IRS) Hedging Position through Interest Rate Swaps as on 31 May 2022 is 9.61% of the net assets.
**Total Expense Ratio includes applicable B30 fee and GST.
***As per SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-11 DF3/P/CIR/2021 /652 dated October 27, 2021; AMFI letter no. 35P/MEM-COR/70/2021-22 dated November 25, 2021 and AMFI letter no. 35P/ MEM-COR/ 131 / 2021-22 dated March 31, 2022 with effect from April 01, 2022 ("Effective date"), the first tier benchmark index of the scheme. Existing benchmark will be Second Tier benchmark for aforementioned scheme.
* For Fund Manager experience, please refer 'Our Fund Managers'
For last three IDCW, please refer 'Dividend History'.
For scheme performance, please refer 'Scheme Performances'